
The Objective of this blog, is to "Forum" our interpretation of the material covered in class.
This is a peer group in which to summarize and help each other assess our understanding of the material covered in class.

Sunday 17 January 2016

The 4 Phases of Evaluation

Planning The forgotten phase

Plan how you will ensure that the students are achieving their learning outcome
Plan how are you monitoring that learning is occurring
Plan how you will show students that they are progressing

Students need to have opportunities to see that they are progressing
Students need to see their accomplishments

Planning the evaluation is how a teacher integrates the evaluation into the learning process
(Evaluation as learning)

Planning the evaluation 

establishes the aim of the evaluation
establishes its timing and methods to be used
ensures it is on target with criteria from program of study
takes differentiation of students into account

Information Gathering / Interpretation

Uses timing of informal gathering
Uses formal or informal instruments
Uses rigor
Uses criterion-referenced interpretation

What is the purpose of the information?
How is the teacher keeping track of the information?



Is based on autonomy and responsibility
Is supported with instruments and reference documents
Is based on the competency observed in a context
Must be ethical and consistent with a set of values

Judgement is the cornerstone in the act of evaluation 
 The ability to make consistent judgements demonstrates expertise and it is a sign of professionalism

Decision / Action


Communication of results
Feedback to student must be
  • Specific
  • Timely
  • Linked to the progression of learning of acquisition of competencies

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